Living with Stage Four - Perceptions of Reality
"If it can be verified, we don't need faith. Faith is for that which lies on the other side of reason. Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys." -- Madeleine L'Engle
Recently, I called a few people to tell them of the good news of the second PET scan results. The wife of one of the friends I called messaged my wife to ask: Is it true the cancer is going away?
My wife was concerned that I might be misleading people to think I was completely healed. I assured her that in spreading the news, I only quoted directly what the doctor said. He said, "You no longer have cancer in your liver, in your lymph nodes, or in your bones."
He also said the mass in my lung was inactive and added, looking at the new PET scan, "This is as good as it gets."
I never used the words "cured" or "healed" in relating the good news.
After giving this some thought, I realized we can perceive reality on different levels. They are:
One: the objective reality, what medicine calls remission, or "you might be healed."
Two: the optimist reality, expecting the best possible outcome, or "you will be healed."
Three: the Faith reality, or "you are already healed." This reality we often keep to ourselves but sometimes share.
Is there any question of what perception of reality I should choose?