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Living with Stage Four - A Strong Spirit

"The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the spirit is crushed?" - Proverbs 18:14

I was talking with a friend whose wife received a lung cancer diagnosis a few years ago. She was not a good patient, he said. She didn't take her medicine all the time and she was emotionally upset, depressed about her condition. She died four months later.

My brother-in-law Tony came by to visit. He had just gotten over prostate cancer. He said his doctor told him a story: A man was given a diagnosis of cancer. He saw his situation as hopeless and became very distraught. He died three months later. An autopsy was performed that revealed he didn't have cancer -- he was misdiagnosed. So his own mind is what killed him.

My plan is to do the opposite. I reject these cancer cells. My focus is on healing and strength -- mind and body. They tell me I have cancer, but THEIR cancer does not have me.


Oct 25, 2024

Amen, John. God is more than able and if we say to the mountain be removed and do not doubt we will have what we ask for. - Eric P


Oct 24, 2024

The battle is the Lord’s! He is the Almighty One! You rest in faith, John!


Oct 22, 2024

If anyone can beat this it is you! Never have known anyone with a better oulook or mental strength! We are all here to support you as you have done for so many over the years! Hugs...Tina

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Call 309-764-1929 today for more information or to schedule a free introductory lesson with Mr. Morrow. 


Children 5-12 year old

Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 p.m.

​Family Class

Saturday 9:00 a.m.

Adults and Teens

Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 p.m.

Adult Daytime Classes

Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 a.m.

Adult Evening Classes

Monday and Wednesday 5:30 p.m.

Seniors ages 55 and Over

Monday and Wednesday 11:00 a.m.

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